Maker Library Featured Librarian - November
'Future of Fixing', The Center for Craft,
Creativity and Design, 2016
Asheville, North Carolina, USA
"The future needs a new relationship with making. A forward-thinking, backward-looking, sideways-stepping kind of making. A making born of the imaginative use of skills. Something like fixing. The Future of Fixing is an open source exhibition and program that promotes engagement with making and repair. It is a call for integrating fixing in our day to day life and for reflecting on attitudes to fixing in the future.
The exhibition will feature sixteen international and national design studios and artists whose work addresses the concept of repair, either through fixing things, materials, process, systems, or attitudes. CCCD’s gallery will also include a Maker Library where visitors can seek further inspiration and information about fixing and a hands-on Fixshop where visitors can take their fixing knowledge and put it into practice."
"The Maker Library is a resource center filled with over 40 curated titles that will inform, inspire, and feed your fixing curiosity. Each month a Featured Librarian shares their favorite fixing publications and remembers their proudest fix."
Bargmann's Maker Library:
Skinner, Damian. Contemporary Jewelry in Perspective. Lark Books, 2013.
The Future of Fixing was originally created by From-Now-On and adapted and curated by Marilyn Zapf of The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design under a Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. This project was supported by the N.C. Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.
Exhibition photos by Steve Mann
Exhibition photos by Steve Mann
Exhibition photos by Steve Mann
Exhibition photos by Steve Mann
Exhibition photos by Steve Mann
Exhibition photos by Steve Mann